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How Lessonbee Supports Flipped Learning

11 Feb 2020


Flipped Learning. Perhaps you’ve heard of it before, and you’re trying to learn more about it right now, or maybe you’re new to the topic. Whatever the case, I’m glad you’re here. Read on to discover how and why Lessonbee supports flipped learning.

What is Flipped Learning?

On Wikipedia, this method is defined as: “An instructional strategy and a type of blended learning focused on student engagement and active learning, giving the instructor a better opportunity to deal with mixed levels, student difficulties, and differentiated learning preferences during the in-class time.”

It’s sometimes referred to as doing “schoolwork at home and homework at school,” which is a simple way of explaining the technique, but it’s more than that.

When you flip a classroom, it leaves room for students to explore the lesson in a more fleshed out way, have conversations, and form strong communication skills. Being comfortable with open dialogues and communication is a cornerstone of student success.

Educators are more apt to give one-on-one guidance within a flipped classroom setting, and in turn, each student is met with a personalized learning experience.

99% of teachers who switched to flipped learning would do it again in a heartbeat. 96% of those who tried it said they would recommend it to other educators.

One of the best things you can do for your classroom is to personalize the learning experience.

Lesley University states that “67% of surveyed instructors saw an improvement in student test scores after utilizing the flipped learning model, and 80% reported an improvement in student motivation.”

The opportunity for feedback is also increased with this method. It provides a chance to address any misunderstandings along the way, instead of waiting until test day to see who understands what.

We love flipped classrooms!

Flipped Learning creates the opportunity for more complete comprehension, and it’s in direct line with reflective learning, which brings out the best of a self-paced curriculum such as Lessonbee material.

Lessonbee lessons are built for flipped classrooms. They are set up to be self-paced and full of discussion topics that can be ironed out afterward. They also include reflections and student observations that are built into the content.

There are opportunities to interact with the characters throughout the lessons, which is another way to spark conversation. It doesn’t have to be heavy to be reflective. It could be as simple as discussing which character they liked most, or which story they enjoyed completing.

Or, which ones they didn’t get, and why that is.

The beauty of a self-paced curriculum is the chance for the learner to get a firmer grip on the subject being explained and shown, and be able to discuss it with more meaning.

What do you think of flipped learning? Do you believe it’s the classroom of the future?

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